google-site-verification=VQr2VlGUghQ_sJ1Ymdo73f10qH0dsexBCdzeOIkNhjY Electricity Connections | New services | Property Extensions
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Electricity Connections

Get your new electricity connection in the UK with ease.

Our team of experts will help you with the process from start to finish.

We provide a straightforward, efficient and customer-focused service across all electricity services, including the following:

Image by Precious Madubuike

New Electricity Connections


Design and feasibility studies


Single phase 15kva domestic


Electricity Meter installation, re-location and disconnection


CT metering


Electricity Supply Disconnections

Electricity Supply Diversions

Electricity Supply Upgrades

Image by Riccardo Annandale

Jointing (LV and HV)

Power Cable Installations (Mains & Service)


Site investigation and evaluations


Substation Installation and commissioning


Complete civils and groundworks packages


Cable laying and civils works


Temporary or permanent supplies


Earthing designs and studies

Power investigations of existing supplies and available capacity

Co-ordinate network designs and approvals

Evaluation of network point of connection (POC) quotes

Electric Vehicle Power Installations


Important Points To Consider

Each connection is unique, we cannot provide accurate time scales without collating all of the information from you first.

Experienced with various electricity connection sizes

Knowledge of DNO operations

Understanding of connection requirements and challenges

Insights into electrical grid complexity

Recognize DNO's role in power distribution

Realistic expectations for response times, service, and performance

Identifies potential challenges early,

streamlines the approval process and

minimises project delays

An average installation can take anywhere between 6 to 12 weeks, but these are only rough estimates. 

The timescales could differ as we may need to apply for permits to excavate on public highways, obtain legal consents. 

Where the point of connection is located will also determine costs.

Once we have all the information and established what is required to complete your connection, we are then able to give you an accurate timescale, price and expected date of completion.

Comprehensive initial documentation is crucial. It

establishes project scope, timelines and budgets.

Brick Construction

Helpful Information Required To Progress Your Application

The full address of the property which requires a new connection.

A site & location plan/drawing of the property indicating where the meter is located or where you wish it to be installed. An accurate site drawing and Land Registry Plan would be beneficial

A letter of authority (LOA) to act on your behalf as the landowner/property owner

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